Sunday, January 9, 2011

Life On A Bike, Sunday, January 9th, 2011

Since I have been off the bike for three days, i knew I was going to ride today. The thing I didn't know about was that it would be outside. Well when I left home around 11:30 it was 18 degrees out, with no wind. I went out and did my normal training ride towards Aurora and back.

This time it was cold, I was having a little trouble breathing originally. Probably because it has been two months since I have riden outside. Oh well, after like seven miles I started to feel a little better. Then I had my big hill on the training ride to deal with. Made it up that and all the way to Mitchell Ave. Decided to go and visit a friend first before I went for a hot chocolate. So I went into Batavia and visit my friend, plus refilled my water bottle too. It made for an extra eight miles or so, no big deal.

Got back on the bike and went to my normal turn around point at the 7-11 in North Aurora, Butterfield and Mitchell roads. Got a hot coco and rested. The main problem is my mouth was so cold I couldn't really tell how hot it was, so I burnt my tounge on the hot coco.

Made it back home in one piece. Really didn't feel the cold that much untill around the 25 mile mark or so, when my legs started to get cold. I ate one power bar, one hot coco. Four bottles of water. I had one five layers on top, plus three layers on the bottom.

33.7 miles tonight, 10.1 average, 21.7 max, 3 hours and 18 minutes.

year/month 147.1, hours 13:18

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